Become a more confident, engaging, persuasive communicator who gets results.

Courageous Public Speaking
with PowerSpeaking, Inc.


When people learn how to tap into their passion for a topic or message and are shown how to present it well, an amazing transformation happens. They become more confident, engaging, persuasive communicators who get results. This is Courageous Public Speaking.

As a global speaking and presentation skills company, PowerSpeaking uses sophisticated adult learning models and the most recent research in communication to design and deliver its programs. In 30+ years, they have helped to transform more than 300,000 people at all career levels – from first-time presenters to managers trying to pitch new ideas to executives. They cracked the code to winning over senior leaders with their groundbreaking course, Speaking Up: Presenting to Decision Makers, and the book that followed in 2014. To date, it remains one of the publisher’s top sellers.

Courageous public speaking sparks leadership potential at all levels and transforms careers. It’s a journey worth taking.

“Communicating isn’t a soft skill. It’s a must have.”

isn’t a soft skill. It’s a must have.”

Carrie Beckstrom
Chief Learning Officer


HighTechSpeaking®: Presentation Skills for Technical Experts

This research-based series helps turn technical experts into clear, dynamic presenters who not only make data meaningful but also get results.

Speaking Up: Presenting To Decision Makers

Informed by research and interviews with more than 50 senior executives, this series prepares people to present successfully in the high-stakes, high-test world of executives.

HighTechSpeaking®: Presentation Skills for Technical Experts

Whether presenting complex technical information to team members, department heads, or peers at an industry conference, the data must be delivered in a clear, engaging way to foster understanding and move people to action. This series provides the tools any technical presenter needs to do just that.

PowerStart for HighTechSpeaking® teaches presenters how to turn a data dump into data diamonds, use presentation style to engage and strengthen a main message, manage discussions and Q&A sessions like a pro— and much more. Providing best-practice highlights from PowerSpeaking’s in-person HighTechSpeaking® program, the PowerStart series is a great first step to mastering technical speaking.

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Speaking Up: Presenting To Decision Makers

Presenting to senior executives is a world apart from your standard department update. And unless a presenter learns to adopt their 10,000-foot, bottom-line mindset and deliver with that perspective in mind, success is unlikely.

In this series, presenters learn how to make their first line their bottom line; how to skillfully switch from one-way presenting to the dialogue executives want; and how to deal with challenging questions, distractions, interruptions, politics, and heated discussions. Providing best-practice highlights from PowerSpeaking’s in-person Speaking Up: Presenting to Decision Makers program, the PowerStart series is a great first step to mastering presentations at the top.

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Interactive Online Learning
Interactive, engaging programs built of short, 3-minute episodes available on smartphone, tablet, or desktop
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Real-World Skill Building
Activity-based worksheets, quizzes, and training materials for on-the-job practice and skill retention
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Live reporting for managers and leaders to access participation, engagement, and completion data by team
Clients building a culture of courage

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We believe that COURAGE is the key to engaged teams, inspired action, innovative change, and above all, driving exceptional customer results.

The Courageous Leadership Institute draws on over 20 years of research to utilize courage as an innovative leadership skill set, ultimately building organizational cultures that are uniquely equipped to meet the needs of a changing and disrupted world.

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